Turning page on 30 years

06 September 2021

Event in Bedford Town Centre

The 30 anniversary of the Eagle Bookshop, now in St Peter’s Street, Bedford is celebrated this September.

Over the weekend of 4th and 5th, owner Peter Budek and his team offered party bags to the first 100 customers - including a £5 Book Token that can be used anywhere that accepts book tokens.

They were also giving away 30 handsome, reusable jute bags (normally retail at £5) to the first 30 customers spending £30 or more.

On Saturday events included: QWERTY Thirty! with Resident poet Cameron Stuart, at his typewriter, creating personalised poems for lucky customers. 

The same day Scrooge and other characters from literature were wandering around the shop. Spot Jane Eyre, Miss Havisham and Prospero.

Sunday saw the relaunch of the popular Poetry Evenings with a selection by the wonderful Read Poets Society on the broad theme of books and celebration.

There are displays throughout the shop, including the window. Some may make you smile, and some you can actually help us create – they’re looking for photos of friends and customers of the shop taken in 1991 to form one of the displays. You can email them, message them or drop them off in person.

A quiz based on a theme of 30, with first, second and third prizes of £90, £60 and £30 gift vouchers to spend at The Eagle Bookshop is running. Question sheets available from the shop, closing date for entries 30th September.

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