Rewind to retro games in The Arcade

24 June 2021

Event in Bedford Town Centre

Rewind Retro Arcade is opening in The Arcade off the High Street soon (date to be confirmed).

Said owner Jedd: “For many years now I've dreamed of opening my own Retro Games Arcade and had been planning it long before I opened my Rewind Merchandise shop. 

“Previously I had been in my full-time job but I couldn't stop thinking of what I wanted to do. 

“So one day I took the leap to start with the shop first, with the intention to have the arcade to follow as soon as it was possible.

“The shop has been hit and I have built up a great customer following.

“Obviously Covid-19 had slowed everything down, but now I'm even more determined to make my arcade the best it can be.”

So go back to the future and visit Rewind at The Arcade.

It will be a place to come and have fun with friends, meet new people, play on much loved classic Arcade games like Pacman, Space Invaders, Donkey Kong, Defender, Mortal Kombat, and more. 

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