September sees Students and Staff in town

15 September 2020

A critical customer base for the town centre is back in Bedford now the local schools and colleges are open for business.

Bedford College, alongside the Town Bridge, together with The Bedford Sixth Form in Bromham Road, host 1,000s of staff and students who in town, albeit in shifts, for the autumn term. Similarly the Harpur Trust school students can be seen out and about.

To promote town businesses to the college students Love Bedford produced a video which is being shown as part of the online Freshers’  Festivities at Bedford College and The Bedford Sixth Form.

In it we suggested that students and staff ask if there is a Student or College discount on production of ID.

Clever businesses like Gallones in the Edwardian Arcade offer a year round discount to college staff and students - hoping that they then tell their friends. Debenhams is, for the first time, offering a student deal in September.

If YOU are planning any special offers or deals for the college then let us know so we can share direct with the college student intranet or link up on SM with those 1,000s of customers on our doorstep.

Event in Bedford Town Centre

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