Cocktail of investments

25 September 2018

An exciting investment in a more sophisticated night out in Bedford High Street has arrived with glamorous new cocktail bar.

Under the banner of the Slug and Lettuce, the bar opened with a VIP party including special guests from the Harpur Centre like Yours Clothing and Topshop. Joining them was Chair of the BedfordBID organisation Samantha Laycock, who is the Centre Manager of the Harpur Centre, which itself is under-going a major investment and refurbishment.

Slug and Lettuce

The Slug and Lettuce has opened in time for the pre-Christmas party season and will help to keep the town buzzing night and day.

Said Sam: “Bedford is buzzing right now with the new Riverside development giving the night time economy a boost, so it is great to see the High Street keeping pace with the Slug and Lettuce refurbishment.”

Meanwhile the Edwardian Arcade off the High Street is expanding opportunities for independent businesses with smaller and more flexible unit spaces. Latest to join the line up there is Hattie & Co selling designer baby and toddler-wear as worn by the children of Prince William. 

In the new St Cuthbert’s Arcade, start-up businesses are being encouraged in a hot-house atmosphere thanks to an entrepreneurial private landlord.

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