Policing on table at BID Breakfast

24 February 2016

The issue of policing in Bedfordshire was on the table at the BedfordBID breakfast on Wednesday February 24th.

Police and Crime Commissioner Olly Martins and candidates for the role when it comes up for election on May 5th, Kathryn Holloway and Linda Jack, spoke to the audience of 70-plus town centre businesses.

High on the Q & A list was the issue of begging and sleeping rough by homeless people in High Street doorways and areas like Lurke Street multi-storey. 

Various agencies and authorities  joined in that debate including the Bedford Borough Council Deputy Mayor Cllr Charles Royden, who said there was accommodation available for homeless people. The YMCA and Noah charities said they could be contacted by businesses to report sleeping rough.

On a more positive “Love Bedford”  branding business note, new Chair of BedfordBID Sam Laycock, Manager of the Harpur Centre, said Christmas events brought in the customers to town and that much was planned for 2016. A full catalogue of events and activities can be found on the www.lovebedford.co.uk/events/

The breakfast was open to Business Improvement District businesses only. The next breakfast will be held on Wednesday May 25th.

The event was staged at the Bedford Swan Hotel.


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